Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brethren [and sisters], whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,think on these things
Recently, I gave a lesson in church about finding joy in our journey here on earth. I was thrilled to be able to share some of the lessons I had learned and tricks of the trade to lighting our way through those dark times. By the end of the lesson, I felt satisfied that the Holy Ghost had shared what needed to be shared, but I still felt there was so much more to discuss, so much more we as brothers and sisters on this earth can share with each other to lighten each others' loads and succor one another.
There are multitudes of resources available for exactly this purpose--to share hope and light--so at first I wondered how my own little own blog could do any better than all those other, more professional, more inspiring forums. I have since realized that all those other forums are missing one important element: my own story.
Yes, of course the world needs to know my personal experience with my own struggles and trials. All the universe must understand the journey of a small-town, stay-at-home-mom turned soldier's-wife turned crazy-person before they themselves can possibly be truly fulfilled.
However, I have become aware of the fact that, while I may only reach a very few with my own messages of hope and healing, reaching just one will be enough, even if that one is just me.
With that, I have begun this blog to share resources and ideas for inspiration and hope. I welcome any who have stories that uplift and enlighten to share here as well, no matter your religion or belief background. There is much good in this world, but it takes some sifting to find it. I want this forum to be a place where people can turn for a quick pick-me-up, or a hope-giving boost.
Each week, I hope to share some of my story and what I have learned as far as choosing the Light each day, and what that means to me. I would also love to share the real-life experiences of others who have found joy even in the darkest journeys. In the discussion comments, I invite you to share your own experience with finding light in the world, or in yourself.
Each of us has a light within us that yearns to shine forth. Each of us has our own way of brightening the world around us. Some of us recognize that light and feed it until our countenances become radiant. Others of us stifle that light until it is barely a flicker, and still others of us are so consumed in darkness we snuff that light out completely. Most of us run through a cycle of all of these levels of brightness, but the one constant is that the light is always there, waiting to be re-lit, waiting to be nourished and fed, waiting to become the glorious light of our true potential.
So, how did you choose the light today?
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How did you choose the light today?